Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Well the boy is in the right state

Yesterday we took advantage of the pretty weather outside and enjoyed lunch on the patio of a fab Tex-Mex restaurant. The kids loved the chicken quesadillas and guac.

And for a few moments, having lunch alone with my four children was truly fun :)

Then Spanky climbed down from his bench and went over to the wrought iron gate pointing at the movie theater behind us. He was giggling, screaming and going just nuts! I thought maybe it was the poster for that puppy movie so I just smiled said "Puppy" and we paid the bill take him to the poster.

And then he raced to this:

And started saying "fussball, fussball" over and over again.

Dino wanting to join in Spanky's joy ran to the movie poster too:

And you can almost hear Spanky saying "Back off bro--when they have a Michael Phelps movie, it's all you. I am the quarterback in this family" and proceeds to try to knock him to the ground.

I'm thinking linebacker might be the better position :)


KC said...

ROTFL.. cute cute boys..

Amanda said...

How cute Lisa!
I'm glad you had a nice afternoon with the kids :)
Amanda x

Grace Acres said...

all boy with there mama's spirit, HUH?

Anonymous said...

oooohhhhhhh yeaaaaahhhhhhh!!!

smart boys:-)

mah-meeee said...

cute! boys will be boys!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

Kids! Aren't they funny? :)

dani said...

too cute!!!
too funny:b

Clare said...

Love it! Too cute!

CC said...

I'm totally seeing his "back off bro" there!!

Unknown said...

Lunch sounds great but I certainly won't be messin' with Spanky! : )

Jacque said...

So cute!!!!

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

Oh, boys! I'm glad they're already vying for their positions. I wish I could get mine to love foosball, too.

Kellan said...

Oh, how cute - linebacker - HA! They are both adorable!

Have a good Thursday, Lisa - see you soon - Kellan

Anonymous said...

Get Tressel on the horn... the Bucks can ALWAYS use more linebackers. :)

Cute kiddos!!!

Alicia @ Oh2122 said...

They're so cute. Boys are so much fun. Says the girl who only had sisters!

Thanks for coming to MA via my BATW day!

Mandy said...

Cute! Cute! Cute!

Anti-Supermom said...

I think the title is PERFECT for this post.

Boys will indeed be boys :)