Now you are seven years old! Even though you are a middle child, you have found your way and are proudly making your mark on the world. You still love to draw, do puzzles and DANCE

but now you have proudly added two new favorites--reading and math. You love to pick up a book and read to your fish (who keep having babies) and you always 'skip ahead' on your math homework and have it done before we even go over it!

but now you have proudly added two new favorites--reading and math. You love to pick up a book and read to your fish (who keep having babies) and you always 'skip ahead' on your math homework and have it done before we even go over it!
This year daddy surprised you with a fish tank. You are so proud of your fish. You watch them and talk to them. They love to swim up to your hand when you stick it in the the tank so you can 'pet' them.
Your best friends at school are Katie and Sara. You get so excited when your friends come over. You love to sit at the front window and wait for their car to come into the driveway and then you have so much planed.
In that regard, you are a lot like me. I am so surprised how alike we are becoming. You like to have everything planned and organized before you go anywhere (like mommy!) and you can be terribly stubborn (like um someone ;) )especially when I serve a food you hate (coq au vin).
Your favorite TV shows are Backyardigans and Little Bear. You love to play music from Backyardigans on the ipod and sing and dance :)
You still have an attraction to the villian characters on every show. It's OK--Cinderella and Snow White can be so one-dimensional ;) but that doesn't mean you don't love to dress up in your princess dresses and jewelry. You still prefer your pink and white play dress over everything else though!
And you are still just crazy about your little brother! I remember when Spanky was first born, you did not want him out of your sight and most pictures of him have you watching close by. I love this picture even though you weren't the focal point, your expression says it all.

Just watching you with Spanky tells me what a really fabulous adult you are going to be. You always run to him if he is upset, reading little books to him and when I am gone, Spanky always goes to you, his big sister, for comfort.
Sara, you continue to amaze your family with all you do and I know your future is going to be incredible!

Just watching you with Spanky tells me what a really fabulous adult you are going to be. You always run to him if he is upset, reading little books to him and when I am gone, Spanky always goes to you, his big sister, for comfort.
Sara, you continue to amaze your family with all you do and I know your future is going to be incredible!
I love you more than chocolate challah bread pudding on a beach vacation!