Kendra, a very funny blogger with three adorable children (and one of my very favorite bloggers) has nominated me for the beautiful Arte Y Pico Blog award:

Isn't it lovely? It was a brilliant point of a rather dismal day.
But Lisa, you say, how can you ever have a bad day with four lovely children? Well, it started out nice. I took all four kids to the pool (by myself--I was feeling brave) and it was going well until Spanky decided to test different items to see what would float and what would not. Towels, float at first; the green Kindermusik bag, floats; the iPhone, sinks to the bottom like a rock; the celery...whhhooaaaa.....yes, you read that one right.
Spanky threw my iPhone into the pool. I quuckly grabbed it and started CPR--Cover, Protect and Rant. I gathered up the protesting kiddos and raced home to google 'wet iPhone' and 'iPhone in pool'. Luckily, I was not alone. One guy had a soda dumped on his phone, another lady dropped hers in a puddle while unloading groceries and left it in the rain. And their iPhones all survived the horror. How? They packed the phone in rice and let it sit for two days. I placed my phone in some Arbonio rice and waited. Later in the night , I got curious and took it out--yep, a small grain of rice was stuck in the ear jack. I struggled to get it out with a needle, it broke in half and I am hoping I was able to shake all of it out. I decided rice was a bad idea and I stuck the phone on the seat of my car that was sitting in the 100 degree garage. It is there now and I am waiting with bated breath to see what happens when I charge it tomorrow.
So last night during prayers and times of thanks, I thought,
well at least no one thought I was a beached whale--that sounded terrible to utter aloud, so I racked my brain trying to think of the one bright spot and the lovely award glistened in my mind. "Thank you God for letting Kendra bestow my very first award to me. Amen."
And now to share the love, I'd like to nominate this award to the following:
Holly at June Cleaver Nirvana- Holly has one of the funniest blogs out there. She is the girl that introduced me to blogging and has helped me with a few technical things along the way. I am in awe of her writing and how she can make just about anything funny.
Holly at Anglophile Football Fanatic- Another Texas blogger, Holly is whole new world of humor. She has this gorgeous site and some of the wittiest remarks on the net!
Elaine at Miss Elaine-ous Life- (More Texas) I love Elaine's family antics and her bright outlook on just about everything :)
Elizabeth at Mommy Etc. - Elizabeth has a very sweet heart that just glows in every post. She shows raw emotion with almost every post and is also a bright dose of sunshine.
Mamachristine at Photo Mama Creations- Mamachristine is one of my blog heros. She has been on a very public path to weightloss and kicking butt and taking names. She also has some amazing pictures to go with her fantastic posts.
And now, for my incredible winners, the rules for my five nominees:
1. Pick five (5) blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award (
Also, because I am not sure how to 'grab' awards, I did some weird stuff with Photobucket to get this award on my site. For the html, please
visit this blog. Guess I need to work with Holly on this ;)
I hope the award brightens your day!