Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Just Want to Be Heard

Friday night I wrote a political post. An angry, bitter screaming political post. And I deleted it about an hour after.

This blog is not about anger. Anger isn't going to help anything but maybe get others angry--what's the point of that?

But this is my blog and I am so upset these days. I just cannot sit back. It seems like the whole country, heck the whole world, is marching in this direction that I see as completely wrong. It's been a while too. I watched a fellow Texan spend and spend. Then a new president comes in and spends and spends and then spends even more. 

And suddenly all the things I believe, my values-- God, family, country--are not 'right'. My thoughts are politically incorrect. I just feel like screaming. I've written emails, made phone calls  but it seems no one in Washington is listening. 

But last week I wrote a letter regarding the fed stimulus to my local state rep. And today I got a response. Not the form response but an 'I agree with you' and this why letter. It felt good.

I was going to show a clip of the young man from the UK berating the UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown but it was just too angry and it's not the feeling I want to express. I agreed with him but it was more a rant and I don't want to rant. I'm tired.

I found this clip--it shows a lot of radio/tv personality you can take or leave but the message, the message is the same as in my heart. If you are wondering what is really running through my  mind regarding the world, this is it:


Amanda said...

That's a powerful message in that video.

Susan said...

Amen to that.

dani said...

what is so sad and so scary is the fact that the generations younger than us don't even know what it means to be patriotic, lisa. they have no real knowledge of what it means to be an american or the sacrifices that have been made for them...
i love glenn beck; and i love what he had to say in that clip. thank you for sharing it ( i think you chose perfectly;)!!!

Clare said...

wow, that is an amazing video, thank you for sharing it!

Madeline said...

I hear you and I completely understand. Living here in Massachusetts, I am surrounded by Obama loving sheeple who don't care about what is happening to this country. It's nice to feel you are not alone. I think the movement is growing. The Tea Parties are just the first step, I think.

Anti-Supermom said...

Lisa, it's hard to write for yourself in a such a public place as a blog, but you want to be honest, be yourself. It's such a fine line.

Thank you for this interesting video.

EatPlayLove said...

When you feel something so deeply, you have to honor your heart. And also may I suggest, trying to give national news coverage a break, pick up a book. Give yourself a mental break. I recommend a great book today on my blog and I didn't miss a minute of media-induced stress during the last week I spent enthralled in it.

OHmommy said...

it makes me so sad that the other side is not being heard.

biden's daughter has a coke problem. can you imagine if that happened to the other side? heh, UGH.

Jackie said...

With you all the way, girl.