Dino has always been a fan of Peanuts, the Charlie Brown shows. I think he was originally drawn to the music. To this day, I can play 'Skating' or 'History Lesson' and he smiles. He knows exactly which show the song is from and when it was played.
Last Halloween, he decided to be Charlie Brown for school (he was Michael Buble for trick or treat). The other moms thought it was so cute he loved the show so much and raced home to buy their own DVDs to share with their little tikes. Good wholesome entertainment.
Well.....the other day it was raining. I decided to spend a few quality moments watching Dino's favorite show with him. Dino eagerly picked 'the snow one' (the Christmas special). I turned it on and started to feel sorry for Charlie from the opening credits. He received no cards and when he had the courage to confront a girl about not receiving a card, she totally dissed him. And then poor Charlie goes to see Lucy (you know the girl who yanks the football from him) and tells her he's depressed. Poor guy!
I'm sure you know the rest. He gets to be in charge of the play--the kids dance in a most unusual fashion, he decides to get a tree, the kids dance in a most unusual fashion, brings back a poor excuse of a tree and the kids laugh. The story of Christmas is revealed through Linus and Charlie gets his hopes back up, goes home and almost kills the tree and...you remember, right?
So it got me thinking back to the other Peanuts shows we have. Charlie goes trick-r-treating and gets only rocks (maybe this was why Dino insisted on being M Buble for this?), words like stupid and blockhead are thrown around (mainly to Charlie) like a common article adjective. I remember as a child not really caring for the show. I mean it was OK but who really found it funny?
I know who finds it funny. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dino and Spanky laughing hysterically. Woodstock is caught in something--Snoopy is under the garage--absolute riot to my boys. I guess I'll let them watch it but the day they call me blockhead...
My kids love watching Charlie Brown specials. They're an imperative when they come on (and I practically insisted they watch them way back in the beginning, so determined was I that they would appreciate something from my own childhood!).
I really should rent or buy some of them. They would love it.
And then they will probably call each other blockhead, too...
I LOVE that Charlie Brown t-shirt Dino is wearing!!! What a fabulous costume!
Also, I find it hilarious that he went as Michael Buble...did he sing for anyone??? Buble is definitely one of my all-time favorite crooners!
Blockhead - hillarious! I bet you have a hard time from *not* laughing when that happens.
And it's not a question of if it will happen. Funny~
More & more I see the old shows I loved using language I don't like. Was that in there when we were little?
oh oh oh ... you MUST post pictures of dino as Michael Buble ... please??? (oh i so big puffy heart him)
he must have looked so cute!
Blockhead isn't all bad. Could be worse! ;)
That is great that they love those Charlie Brown shows. We'll have to start this year, maybe with the Halloween special.
My husband played Charlie Brown in "You're a good man, Charlie Brown" in highschool!
Too cute! Connor LOVES the Charlie Brown shows too! I was a little worried with all the kicking and angriness at first...and that Lucy, she could use a few lessons in niceness! But, I guess he isn't bothered by it too much! My husband has a ton of books from when he was a kid...he's hoping Connor will love them too!
McMommy--the shirt is beyond easy to make. I bought a plain yellow t-shirt and then made the zig zag with black duct tape (yep, duct tape--it really can do anything!).
I LOVE the Charlie Brown movies! Definitely a must watch for me at Christmas and Halloween. Sadly, my daughter has never really understood what the big deal is.
Your son looks adorable in his Halloween costume!
That last line is awesome! Dino made a great Charlie Brown.
My son is all into the Muppets right now. Boy does that bring back memories!!
I'm back 'cause I had to let you know that I tagged you! : )
Cute costume! Owen went through a Charlie Brown phase. He did use blockhead though. ;)
My kids love watching Charlie Brown too.
Dino looks oh so adorable in his Halloween costume! :) I love it.
I always wince when I watch poor old Charlie- but the kids love Snoopy and Copper is Linus incarnate with his blanket and thumb.
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