Saturday, November 22, 2008

All That Matters--THE GAME

So what if my school, Ohio State,  lost twice this year--one in horrific unhappy valley?

Today we face the enemy, Michigan. I hate the University of Michigan. I. hate. Michigan. I remember seeing them come down to Columbus in my college days. I hated them.

If we beat Michigan today, we had an awesome season. Period. No other game is an important. 

This is all that matters.


(All my Michigan bloggie friends--I don't need to tell you this only a  rivalry and I do not hate the state. I still love y'all :) )


Anonymous said...


As we type the score is 14-0 and *our team* is not the ones with 14.

However, we have principles and we have standards. Don't make me come down there and.... and.... well, just don't make me come down there. Or else.


PS: Now get yourself to your email program and send us a note with your particulars (address) so The Princess can pack up your Giveaway goodies and get them in the mail!

PPS: Revenge is sweet when it's cold.

dani said...

my cousin and her husband are HUGE osu fans (both got their graduate degrees from osu). i bet they are cheering with you right now!!! hope they start scoring soon, lisa:)

Brian and Staci said...

I am cracking up...I was watching BEFORE your game even STARTED...the teams were a brawlin'!!! The hatred between these schools is AWESOME!!! I would say that that is how it is for us against Texas. Although, our Cowboy Pokes here in Stillwater hate us pretty good too :) Tonight is our BIG game. I'm soooo scared. I hope our crowd is loud! Look for me! I'll be the one screaming like crazy :) Good luck to your Bucks!

Brian and Staci said...

CONGRATS on the guys TORE THEM UP!!! WOW! It's a good day for you, I know :) I'm hopin', and prayin' it will be a good evening for us at the end :) (fingers, legs and whatever else I can cross are crossed!!!) Off we go!

Jacque said...

You won big! We hate Michigan too (but for other reasons, lol).

Anonymous said...


so glad these are not my schools;-)

Lisa said...

I am a Notre Dame fan. I too HATE MICHIGAN. Hate!
Go Ohio State!

KC said...

We killed them didn't we :)