My goodness--you are two! I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant with you...where has the time gone?!
If anyone ever broke the mold (and shattered it into hundred of pieces) in our home, it is you. You are my busy, busy, busy boy. There is always something exciting and wonderful happening and you must always be involved :) You laugh harder than any child I have ever heard, you scream with delight over the smallest fun things than any other child and you can throw a tantrum better than any child I have ever seen :)
You want to grow up and join your brother and sisters in all their activities. You follow them everywhere. If you had your choice, you would be sitting with Dino in his pre-k class right now, coloring away.
You love markers--you love to color on paper, people and everything else. I can always smile during my toughest work out or my 86th squat just be glancing at your latest 'art work' on my calf. You are always carrying a stuffed animal (preferably beanie baby kitty) or a doll baby where ever you go. I know you will make a great dad--you show such love to these objects along with any baby you see anywhere. You are generous with your kisses to say the least!
You are fiercely independent. You like to do things by yourself--no matter how hard it might be. But you always remember those you love. No one can leave the house without you opening up your arms and walking up to them saying 'hug'. And then you wave and say 'bye, love doo'. It is the cutest thing.
Like your brother, you love to dance. "You May Be Right" gets you rockin' no matter when you hear it. I can't wait til you join him in singing.
I amazed how much you have stolen my heart along with all your siblings. You bring such a joy to our family!
Happy Birthday Little Guy!!
Time flies, it really does!
Amanda xx
happy birthday to the cutie spanky! what a great post, i feel like i can see him running around the house trying to keep up with everyone!
spanky turned two??
congrats & happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! The time does just fly by...
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy! The time does just fly by...
Ahhh. too sweet! What a CUTIE PIE! I love the comment on breaking the mold...and shattering it into 100 pieces :) Too funny! Please don't tell me he is potty trained...please...because Jake is 3 and well...let's just say it is slow goin'! On another note...I keep hearin' about how good your Buckeyes are gonna be...people around here predicting maybe an OU OSU National Championship Game !!! I hope so! I'm gettin' the chills JUST thinkin' about it! Boomer-Sooner :) (1st game is this Saturday YAHOO!)
Oh yea, and happy birthday to Spanky! (I got all excited about the upcoming football season...sorry Spanky!)
Awww, Happy Birthday!!! It's Chloe's birthday today too. Hope he had a great day!
Isn't he one of those unexpected miracles? And, he brings such joy to you.
Happy Birthday to your adorable little guy!
What a sweet letter to him. Someday he will treasure this post!
That was a precious letter! He's going to love to read it when he's older.
I think my son and your son are kindred spirits.
Thanks for making me look bad though by actually recognising his birthday on time rather than 3 months late like me.
WHAT A DOLL. I personally think that the first 2 years go by the quickest!!!
Happy 2nd Birthday to Spanky.. they do grow fast..
I was giggleing though this letter.. art work on the legs and everywhere, laughts the loudest and the biggest temper.. I would have thought you were talking about my Little Man.. LOL. Maybe it is something to do with the 4th child who knows :P In anycase.. I hope he has a wonderful wonderful birthday
Happy Birthday! Our little one turns 2 in December, I can't believe it. where does the time go?
Happy birthday little man! I feel that I am on mommy time and it goes by way too fast.
Happu Birthday, Little Man. He looks so cute, I can't believe my own is almost 1 1/2.
Hope you enjoy it with him!
Aw. Happy Birthday! Aren't two-year-olds such fun?
He is adorable! Happy Birthday Spanky!
what a handsome little boy you are:)
and, hi, lisa...
Ahhh, I hope Spanky had a great birthday!! He's sounds like such an animated little guy (I have a couple of those myself!). Hope he got lots of cake! : )
I think this is such a great tribute to your kids when you do these posts plus we can see the things that make them awesome kids through you words.
Awwww...too cute. My little boy just turned two in June. Whenever he says "I duv doo," my heart just melts.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. :)
He looks like an absolute bundle of fun. So cute...Happy Birthday, little guy!
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